The inaugural Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy (SPEX) Symposium
The athlete across the lifespan
14 November 2020 (Online)
The Sports and Exercise Symposium is designed specifically for experienced physiotherapists, bringing together an impressive group of renowned sports and exercise practitioners.
The Athlete Across the Lifespan Symposium is an advanced and accessible education opportunity for tilted / experienced physiotherapists.
Keynote speakers Dr David Spurrier and Professor Robin Daly present the physiological changes and tissue vulnerability of bone, muscle and tendon through normal developmental stages of the ageing process, from childhood to the ageing athlete.
Specialist Sports and Exercise Physiotherapists share complex cases highlighting diagnostic clinical patterns, etiology and research informed management of challenging athletic presentations across the lifespan.
Proudly presented by the Australian College of Physiotherapists and Physio Educators
The younger athlete: Physiological developmental considerations of muscle, tendon and bone in the younger athlete - APA Musculoskeletal and Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist Dr Dave Spurrier
Lumbar stress fractures in developmental cricketers - APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist Dr Kevin Sims, FACP;
An adolescent knee presentation - APA Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist Dr Loretta O'Sullivan Pippia, FACP;
Growth plate injuries in young gymnasts - APA Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist Mr Phil Cossens, FACP;
Hip and groin pain in young athlete - APA Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist Dr Andrea Mosler, FACP;
An elite athlete with boney stress injury: Critical clinical decision-making - APA Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist Mr Dave Battersby, FACP;
Physiological considerations for the older athlete - Professor Robin Daly;
Shoulder dislocation presentations across the lifespan - APA Musculoskeletal and Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist Dr Mary Magarey, FACP;
The post-menopausal athlete - APA Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist Ms Keren Faulkner, FACP;
How similar injury aetiology presents and is managed differently in younger and older athletes - Expert panel hosted by APA Musculoskeletal and Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist Jane Rooney, FACP.
View the full program and list of presenters.
Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to easily access and network with the great minds of some of Australia’s leading sports and exercise physiotherapists.
Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy (SPEX) Symposium
Finding the Edge - Optimising Athletic performance
Human athletic performance optimisation is a complex process that demands the integration of multiple disciplines to address a broad range of capabilities necessary for success. This includes medical practitioners, physiotherapists, sports psychologists, biomechanists, S&C staff, dieticians, coaches and obviously the athlete themselves.
In this symposium, a range of discipline experts explore the many pertinent performance factors to further the understanding of the complexity of the role of the physiotherapist in this environment.
The program includes presentations from world leading sports and exercise practitioners, many who have held critical positions in multi-disciplinary high performance Commonwealth Games and Olympic teams.
Adjunct Professor Craig Purdam, DSc, FACP
Dr Adam Castricum, MBBS, FACSEP, MSpMed
Dr Jill Leckey, Performance Nutritionist
Trish Wisbey-Roth, FACP
Matt Lancaster, FACP
Alison Low, FACP
Jonah Oliver, Performance Psychologist
Keren Faulkner, FACP
Dr Andrea Mosler, PhD, FACP
Rod Whiteley, FACP
Ryan Carroll, APA Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist
Clare Walsh, MACP
Proudly presented by the Australian College of Physiotherapists and Physio Educators
2021 (Online)
Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy (SPEX) Symposium
To Operate or Not: Part 1; Hip and Knee Conditions
Despite a number of current initiatives, the challenges of over treatment, over diagnosis and over imaging, possible harms by inappropriate interventions continue in modern medicine. This Symposium program includes presentations from an esteemed list of Specialist Sports and Exercise Physiotherapists as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapists and recognised experts, together with physicians and specialist orthopaedic surgeons and more.
Together they will share their experience and explore current research literature addressing possible advantages and disadvantages of contemporary operative versus non-operative management of commonly encountered knee and hip presentations. It also covers some of the latest research in informed decision making so you can be more confident in discussing appropriate interventions with your patients via a shared decision-making process.
Prof. David Hunter, Florance and Cope Chair of Rheumatology and Professor of Medicine at University of Sydney and Royal North Shore Hospital
Prof. Tammy Hoffmann, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, Bond University, Queensland
Dr Stephanie Filbay, Senior Research Fellow and Physiotherapist, Melbourne University
Dr Tom Cross, Specialist Sports and Exercise Physician, Sydney
Dr Jonas Bloch Thorlund, Professor of Musculoskeletal Health, University of Southern Denmark
Mr Nigel Hartnett, Orthopaedic Knee Surgeon, Melbourne
Dr Joanne Kemp, MACP, Associate Professor and Titled Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist, La Trobe University, Melbourne
Dr Josh Heerey, APAM, PhD, Physiotherapist, La Trobe University, Melbourne
Dr Rintje Agricola, Orthopaedic Medicine Specialist, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
2022 (Online)
Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy (SPEX) Symposium
To Operate or Not: Part 2; Ankle, Shoulder and Lumbar Spine Conditions
Following on from the hugely successful Symposium: The Great Debate - To operate or not to operate? (Knee and Hip conditions), the Australian College of Physiotherapists and Physio Educators are proud to bring Part 2 of the Great Debate Symposium Series.
The decision about whether to operate or not, is often a complex one. Treatment options should be based on a balance of benefits, harms and treatment alternatives, and presented to the patient by the healthcare practitioner in a way that encourages the patient to consider their own individual priorities. This patient-centred care approach requires a partnership in healthcare and is reliant on the clinician’s specific knowledge of the risks, harms and alternatives as well as their interpersonal and unbiased communication skills.
This virtual symposium will explore current research literature combined with expert opinion about the possible advantages and disadvantages of common interventions to manage shoulder, ankle and lumbar spine conditions.
Each symposium session will include presentations by Specialist Physiotherapists or recognised physiotherapist experts in addition to a specialist orthopaedic surgeon or medical specialists and or researchers in the relevant area. These expert presenters will then join together on a panel to answer questions submitted live by symposium attendees.
Professor Rachelle Buchbinder AO MBBS (Hons) MSc PhD FRACP FAHMS
Dr Rob Laird, FACP APAM PhD
Mr Matthew Beard BSc (Hons) BAppSc Grad Cert MSc
Prof. Ian Harris AM MBBS MMed (Clin Epi) MSc (Hlth Data Sc) PhD
Dr Sue Mayes AM
Mr Daniel Goldbloom MBBS FRACS FAOrthA
Dr Jeremy Lewis PhD FCSP
Dr Sarah Warby PhD B.Phys. (Hons)
Adjunct Assoc. Professor Greg Hoy FRACS FAOrthA FACSP
Lauren Gradwell B.Phys M.Sports Physio PhD MCAP
2024 (Online)